Wednesday, June 27, 2007

14 Week Pictures

Well I don't think the bump has gotten that much bigger since my 12 week picture... but I'm definitely "FEELING" more pregnant... My center of gravity is starting to shift and my body definitely has a mind of it's own... My understanding is that the next few weeks are the major weight gain of the pregnancy... good thing we are going on vacation... I plan to EAT my way through Colorado. :)

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Here's my 12 week pic for comparison...
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Rain...

So I know most of us in North Texas are sick of the rain... but each time it rains, I smile just a little bit... See I'm spending my 2nd trimester in the hot Texas summer... that's right the ENTIRE 2nd trimester...

I figure we have 11 more weeks of heat... last week of June, 4 weeks of July, 4 weeks of August, and probably the first 2 weeks of September... which is 11 MORE WEEKS!!! Exactly what I have left of the second trimester... funny huh?

So the next time you are getting down by the rain, just remember that it's one less hot day for me to endure during this pregnancy... I know it's selfish... but...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Animals... Animals... Everywhere!!!

Roger and I have decided we'll do a zoo themed nursery. The Fort Worth Zoo is one of my favorite places on earth, so it is only fitting that we would bring this joy into our house.

We plan to build a shelf high on the wall around the nursery full of cute stuffed animals... so if you see anything unusual out there that you think might work, please let me know.

Here are the two cribsets we've picked out...

For a boy...
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For a girl...
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

1st Trimester is Over!!!

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Today marks my first day of my 2nd trimester... this is the trimester that pregnant women look forward to the most... it's when the risk of miscarriage goes down drastically, when you get to find out the sex of the baby (about 1/2 way through) and you get MORE energy and MORE hunger...

Bring it on!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Gender Predictions...

I think it's pretty normal that the weeks between the end of the first trimester and when you finally go to your gender ultrasound appointment (between 18 and 22 weeks) are spent obsessing about whether the bun in the oven is a boy or a girl... I hope it's normal... because I will admit I'm obsessing a little...

During my obsession I have turned to old wives tales, a Chinese Lunar Calendar & the most expensive - Intelligender... here's what the results have been...

Old Wives Tale The tale goes that if the baby's heartbeat is over 140 a minute then you are having a girl... Well bumble bean's heartbeat has consistently been 162 - 166 so the verdict is: GIRL

Chinese Lunar Calendar There are several versions of this chart out there, but this one seems to be the most accurate among my friends... It is based on the mother's age and month of conception... verdict is: GIRL

Intelligender This pee test evaluates the level of testosterone in your body and determines whether or not you are having a boy or a girl... you are suppose to read the results between 5 and 10 minutes... at 5 minutes, the verdict was GIRL, but at 10 minutes the verdict was BOY... I emailed the company and asked which result I should go with and they said BOY... so the final verdict is BOY

I guess we'll have to wait until early August to know for sure... I can't WAIT to find out!!!

Other old wives tales about the sex of the baby...
You're more likely to be carrying a boy if...
• Your baby's heartbeat is lower than 140 beats per minute NO
• you're carrying all out front YES
• you're carrying low NO
• you didn't suffer from morning sickness in your first trimester NO
• you crave salty food or protein, such as cheese and meat YES
• your feet become cold more quickly than before you were pregnant NO
• your skin becomes dry NO
• you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is even YES
• your hair has become more full-bodied and shiny during pregnancy YES
• the hair on your legs has been growing faster during pregnancy YES
• you are more prone to headaches YES

NO's - 5
YES's - 5

You're more likely to be having a girl if...
• Your baby's heartbeat is faster than 140 beats per minute YES
• you're carrying all round NO
• you're carrying high YES
• you suffered morning sickness during your first twelve weeks YES
• you crave sweet things, such as juice, fruit and sweets NO
• your skin is soft YES
• you are more moody than usual YES
• you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is odd NO
• your hair has become thinner and dull during pregnancy NO
• you lie on your right side when sleeping YES

NO's - 4
YES's - 6

So those sure aren't conculsive are they????

Thursday, June 14, 2007

12 week pictures...

Alright the baby bump is REALLY starting to take form... I haven't gained any weight, so my only guess is that my fingers and toes are getting skinnier. :)

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Here's the progression...
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Celebrity baby Buddies

Ok I'll admit it... I have a small obsession with all the celebs that are pregnant right now... especially the ones due this fall... I read everyday to see who has announced their pregnancy and to see who's showing and who's not... So far it looks like I will be experiencing motherhood with the following lovely ladies...

I'm sure there will be more announcements in the upcoming weeks with all of us completing our first trimester...

Due in the Fall:
Charlotte Church - September
Lisa Bonet
Milla Jovovich
Sara Gilbert (Rosanne)
Isla Fisher (married to Sacha Baron Cohen & she was the funny red head in Wedding Crashers)
Barrett McIntyre (Joey McIntyre's wife) (November)
Elizabeth Hasselbeck (November)
Poppy Montgomery (Without a Trace) (December)

Rumored to be:
Shar Jackson (K Fed's ex-wife, the rumor is it's his!)
Christina Aguilera (would be due in January)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Father To Be Present

I was so excited about how Roger's Father's Day Present turned out that he got it a week early. It's a "Daddy Diaper Duty Tool Belt" full of everything he will need for his Diaper Duties. :)

It has a copy of "The Expectant Father", diapers (which are AMAZINGLY small), wipes, baby powder, hand sanitizer, goggles, a face mask, diaper rash ointment, a "I love my daddy" bib, some scented bags to dispose of diapers in, a cute interactive toy to distract the kiddo and of course Orbitz gum. :)

He seemed to like his gift and I was really impressed with how far iron ons have come. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

2nd Doctor's Appointment

Today was my 2nd doctor's appointment. I really do have the most reassuring, calm doctor EVER! For a good 5 minutes she just stood there and answered my questions in this sweet quiet voice that made me feel MUCH less insane.

Now to the fun part... I was not suppose to have another ultrasound until August, but after search for Bumble Bean's heartbeat with the doppler, she finally decided it was time to bust out the portable ultrasound machine. I got to see the Bumble Bean and he/she is PERFECT! 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyelids... dancing all over the place (I'm sure to that darn Broadway music) & he/she measured exactly on schedule. I got to hear the heartbeat and watch it thump away.

I have never felt more confident in this pregnancy then I do today... We are going to have a stocking stuffer!!!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bumble Bean's Debut

So here is our first video of Bumble Bean Fort... we rented a fetal doppler radar from I cannot tell you how reassuring it is to sit down, relax and listen to the baby's heartbeat. For 11 weeks, the heartbeat should be anywhere between 130 and 200, so when you see the doppler hit those numbers... that's the baby! It's hard to hear for now (my understanding is it'll get easier), but if you look at the bar at the bottom you see it pulsate pretty fast.

Hope you enjoy, please forgive the stomach and of course the unflattering face shot at the end... I'm TOO tired to try to edit it and Roger was having fun after watching "On The Lot".

Monday, June 4, 2007

My Singing Bumble Bee...

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Ok so this baby is either going to be a singer or a Broadway star!!! He/She is torturing me with songs stuck in my head... morning, noon and night I find myself singing... and it's starting to drive me a little crazy!

Last night I dreamed that I was in a dance competition and had to choose a song to perform to from CATS the musical (when I was in highschool I did a routine to Macavity: The Mystery Cat & competed with it). So in my dream I was trying to decide if I could still pull off the Macavity routine (which by the way... there is NO WAY I could) or if I should choose another piece of music. The rest of the night my brain sang Macavity, Mr. Mistoffelees and Jellicle Cats... GRRRR... It is SO frustrating when your brain won't shut up long enough for you to sleep!!!

Other songs the baby seems to like to sing are:
La Vie Boheme - RENT
Tango Maureen - RENT
God is A DJ - Pink

And just about ANYTHING else he/she hears...

Anyone have a way to stop yourself from singing in your sleep?

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