Wednesday, October 31, 2007

32 weeks!

Well these weeks now become bigger milestones than ever huh? Today was my nurse visit and 1st steroid shot, it was AWFUL! The shot was very painful and I ended up having to lay down afterwards because I was so woozy... the good news is they said that my allergies will most likely clear up for the next 90 days after the two shots... especially good news for Roger who is tortured by my snoring!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound & doctor's appointment... wish me luck!

32 weeks

Progression - I know it's can see a larger version of it here.

Halloween Card

Painted tummy

Monday, October 29, 2007

Keeping Everyone Updated...

Today I got my results back from my 24 hour urine collection (I can't even tell you how much fun that was!) The test checks to see how much protein is in your urine, which is an indicator of kidney function.

Normal protein findings are 0 to 150...

Preeclampsia is diagnosed at 300...

Mine was 231...

So I am still in the "mild" pre-eclampsia stage and still on bed rest until delivery.

I had the opportunity to talk to my doctor (she called me with my results). It was SO nice to talk to her and not a nurse!

Her advice was that at this point I could deliver any day. She is concerned enough about this to go ahead and give me the steroid shots for Amelia's lungs. I will go in for one shot on Wednesday and one shot on Thursday. I will also have another ultrasound/dr's apt on Thursday. These steroids will help develop her lungs.

She told me that I need to be ready to be transfered to the hospital after any one of my appointments, but that her goal will be to get me to 37 weeks. I was reading earlier that for every day I can keep her in the womb equals 3 days in the NICU!

I guess that is it... I just need to take care of little Amelia and lots of thoughts and prayers are of course appreciated.

Friday, October 26, 2007


My ultrasound went well, they only checked 2 things... the baby's movement & her amniotic fluid levels (they'll check her growth next week). Both were good... she has turned and is in the right position for delivery, although she's still pretty high. She was breathing and she looked great... although I feel a little spoiled by the 3d/4d machine... you just can't tell as much on the 2d.

Hopefully I'll find out on Monday what my protein levels were with my 24 urine collection & get some questions answered.

I'll admit that since I had my cousin with me, we went to Target to pick a few things up for me afterwards...

Well by the time we got home, my blood pressure had skyrocketed. Sad I rested & it's back down, but I just needed to establish what my limits were... Unfortunately, it looks like those limits are pretty LOW! I promise I'm learning my lesson... no lectures please!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The news...

I had my 31 week appointment yesterday. Total weight gain for the pregnancy is 11 pounds, I am measuring 31 weeks, and her heartbeat was great...

Now for the bad news... My blood pressure was still too high and I have been placed on bed rest until delivery!! My only exceptions are to attend my parenting classes, doctor's appointments, interview pediatricians, and attend my baby shower.

I am now considered a "high risk" pregnancy and have been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.

Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound to see how Amelia is doing under the stress of my high blood pressure and then I will start having weekly ultrasound/doctor's appointments until she is here.
Lots of prayers are needed!!! Pre-eclampsia can stabilize and I could go full term or it could quickly get worse and we could have her here much too soon. My personal goal is to get her to 37 weeks (considered full term) which is December 5th.

Until then, I will be cooped up at the house, feel free to send funny stories and keep me entertained and pat Roger on the back for doing such a good job taking care of me!

Monday, October 22, 2007


Bedrest continues... my foot swelling went down, but some of my blood pressure readings were still too high.... I know bedrest sounds like fun, but it's really not. How exactly are you suppose to fix lunch if you can't get up and no one is here? I'm SO bored!

I will be on bedrest until my doctor's appointment on Wednesday... the good news is, a cold front came in and I'm LOVING the cool weather!

Friday, October 19, 2007

1st trip to Labor & Delivery

I had rather hoped to not see the inside of HEB Harris Methodist until it was all done up for Christmas... something about garland and Christmas trees seem to take the scare out of hospitals in my brain... alas that was not in the cards.

For about 2 months I have had some localized swelling on my left ankle & foot. This swelling started after falling off the curb coming out of one of my many trips to Babies R Us after being startled by a car that was not intending to stop for an obviously pregnant woman... my doctor has seen the swelling and the ankle and said that sometimes when you injure yourself during pregnancy, you don't heal as easily. Your body is concentrating on other things and decides an ankle isn't worth it's time.

Slowly the other foot has begun to puff up as well and I haven't had my wedding rings on in weeks, all of which my doctor was aware of.

On Wednesday my ankle & foot had gotten so large that I jokingly took a picture of it and posted it to some of my pregnant & new mommy friends. They freaked. They assured me this is not normal pregnant swelling and then when I told them my blood pressure was 147/89, we all decided it was time for me to call the doctor.

After a 10 minute phone conversation with my doctor's RN yesterday, she said 1) she didn't forsee me actually finishing out my last two weeks of work and 2) that she was sure the doctor would want to see me that day.

I cannot explain the surprise when I heard back 20 minutes later and was told to head to Labor and Delivery!!! I calmly explained to my doctor's RN with tears running down my face that I didn't even know where Labor and Delivery was, which she assured me that they will direct me as soon as they see my 30 week pregnant belly.

The hospital experience was not so bad, I actually feel MUCH more comfortable about delivering there now that I've met some of the nurses and seen the way the L&D floor flows.

I was hooked up to a doppler belt that monitored Amelia's heartbeat and movement (crazy to listen to hiccups on a doppler like that, they are SO loud) & I was hooked up to a blood pressure monitor that recorded my blood pressure every ten minutes. I had some bloodwork done and after 3 hours of being monitored I was sent home.

Diagnosis: Gestational Hypertension (probably caused by dealing with a jerk boss the entire pregnancy) & edema (swelling).

Treatment: Complete bedrest with bathroom privledges through Monday to see if swelling reduces. Lowering sodium intake & any stressors.

Bedrest is horrible! I'm not good at staying still for long periods of time and everytime I think I have myself settled in for a little while I either need to pee, the dog needs to pee or I realize I need carmex.

The good news is I have 3 fresh netflix dvds, 3 episodes of Gossip Girl to watch & a nifty hospital bracelet.

I promise to update everyone next week. Until then, I'll be the lump on the couch!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I am SO amazed that Amelia will be here in the next 6 to 10 weeks... That's right folks, Christmas is a mere 10 weeks away! Time to start shopping! So now what use to seem SO far away is now incredibly just around the corner!

My doctor's appointments are now every two weeks and last week's was COMPLETELY uneventful. I had gained 1 pound, blood pressure was fine and Amelia's growth was right on track. Next week I get to start meeting the other doctors in the practice, just in case my doctor is not around when I deliver. I'm looking forward to meeting them (all women) and seeing some different OB styles. As much as I love my doctor, I don't feel I can be as candid with her as I'd like to be.

2 1/2 more weeks of work!

(to see a bigger version of this picture - )

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Let the Third Trimester Begin!

The third trimester always seemed SO far away & now here it is! I'm 28 weeks today and I will admit I am hitting the "uncomfortable" part of pregnancy. Amelia kicks all day long (I have bruising on my diaphram) and sleeping has become a major adventure.

We went to see Momix on Saturday night (a dance performance) and it was the loudest music little Amelia has been exposed to... she JAMMED out the entire time... I truly think she was dancing in there!

Yesterday I gave my 1 month notice at work. My last day will be November 2nd. :) I want to start my stay at home mommyhood a little early so I can get some rest before she gets here and not be stuck in rainy/icy traffic for an hour each day while 8 1/2 months pregnant. Not that I think rain and ice are EVER going to get here at this rate... it's still 90 degrees outside everyday!!

Here are my 28 week pics...