Monday, August 27, 2007

Can you believe it?

I can't believe my due date is only 4 months away! When Roger's dad Newman mentioned it this weekend I was stunned... I think Roger was too... 4 months seems like nothing!

I've spent so much energy dreading summer and August (and rightfully so) that I was also shocked to discover that there are only 4 more days left in August!!! I know September will still be warm, but cool weather will be here before we know it!!!

I'm so looking forward to football season, fall tv shows, Christmas decorations going up in the stores & the first cold front... YIPEE!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22 weeks

Here is my 22 week picture...

and my progression picture...

Life is good... I am SO excited that there are only 9 days left in August! :) Fall weather and football are around the corner!

I'm finally having that burst of 2nd trimester energy everyone talks about & Amelia is starting to kick and somersault in my tummy on a consistent basis. Oh, and my appetite is back with a vengeance!

I had a little tooth scare this week... it looks like I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep & I've inflamed a tooth (a tooth I once cracked grinding it so hard). The dentist felt like a bite gaurd could solve the issue, so now I get to spend money on that! Oh well, better than finding out I need a root canal without pain medication... OUCH!

We are excited that Roger's parents are coming to see us this weekend! This is the first time we've seen them since we found out we are going to be parents. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baby Registry

Amelia's registry is now complete! For some reason I have found registering for her stuff MUCH more fun than a wedding registry... maybe it's how cute & tiny all of the things are! Somedays it takes all the willpower in the world not to just start buying everything on her registry myself... I'd go broke quickly, but there is something totally comforting about buying her stuff and about seeing her room quickly become "her room". For now I stick to the clearance aisles... if it's on sale, it's likely going home. :)

We have registered for her stuff at Babies R Us & good ole Target Due to boredom at work, I believe it is the most comprehensive baby registry I've EVER seen (forgive me), here are some of the highlights...

I am in love with our pack & play and travel system material... it is so feminine and classy! She will sleep in the pack & play in our room for the first few weeks (or months).

For my techie friends, I think this is the funniest, yet useful mommy gadget I've ever seen...

It's called an "Itzbeen"... it helps you keep track of how long it's been since you changed the baby's diaper, fed the baby, slept, etc... specially designed for the sleep deprived mom!

The Cadillac of Exersaucers... this thing has SO many bells and whistles (literally)... You should have seen Roger playing with these at Babies R Us!

Anyone remember the episode of Sex & the City where the neighbor brought over the vibrating chair to soothe Brady... Gosh I hope it'll work!

The only swing on the market that comes with a "glide" setting... I absolutely love to glide... I wish they made one my size!

I think this one speaks for itself... I figure anything that might help deserves a place in the arsenal!

I have been in LOVE with this rocking elephant since the day I found out I was pregnant... I still can't believe I haven't bought him!

The three must haves according to every mom I know...

The Boppy

The Bumbo

The SwaddleMe Baby Wrap

Try not to go blind looking at the registries, I know we've gone a little overboard. Just wanted to share all the cute stuff we've found for her. Leia has graciously offered to plan a baby shower for Amelia in October/November for all of our Dallas friends... Yippee!

Monday, August 13, 2007

What do you mean it's not my crib...

Callie has conquered getting in the crib and it's her new favorite hangout...

She can even keep the dog away...

This fur baby vs. baby thing is going to be interesting!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

20 weeks!

Today I am at the halfway mark of my pregnancy!!! 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go...

My belly is definitely rounding out & the waddling has begun. :)

Last night I had some Big Red with dinner (love Big Red during the summer, it's a camp thing) and Amelia loved it too. She started kicking up a storm and Roger was finally able to feel her kick for the first time. It was AMAZING! I got tears in my eyes knowing that soon he'll be able to feel her kick and squirm the way I do.

For me the strangest sensation right now is that she does not sleep when I sleep (hopefully not a bad omen for things to come). I'll be completely asleep, but I am still aware of feeling her kicks, she seems to really be practicing her Rockette tryout routine during the middle of the night!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Double Post Monday

We had SUCH a busy weekend that there are 2 posts below from the weekend. Make sure to read both. :)

Amelia's Nursery

Roger & I got a TON of work done on Amelia's Nursery yesterday. We bought her crib (thanks mom & dad!) & got her dresser on order (thanks again mom & dad!), we bought her bedding, her mobile, & some cute clothes that were on clearance.

We were then SO motivated that we got everything set up & her closet cleaned out (the part we were dreading). It is AMAZING to now be able to go sit in the recliner in that room and dream about her being here. There are still lots of arts & crafts & handiwork projects to be done on the room, but at least it has been started. :)

I also got extreemly lucky yesterday and my neighbor brought me over 50 pieces of little girls clothes sizes premie to 9 months! Her sister has a 9 month old that has grown out of it all, so they gave them to me for free! Most of the stuff is in great shape and is Carters and Children's Place.

Here are some pictures of our adventure yesterday...

The crib

Her chest

Her clean closet :)

Some new baby clothes I bought her yesterday...

Her coming home outfit

The clothes the neighbor sent over

White Trash 2007

Saturday was our Annual White Trash Party (otherwise known as Roger's birthday party).

This is my third White Trash Party and I have to admit I was pretty excited to get to go as "barefoot and pregnant"... a total classic!

We had pork 3 ways with hot dogs, pigs in a blanket and little smokies, lots of chips and dips, a homemade General Lee birthday cake and just about everyone ended up lounging in the pool.

Here are some pics (please do not be offended by any rebel flag decor... it is a white trash party)

The cake I made Roger

My Dixie Rebel Mama shirt (homemade)

I made Maggie a matching collar

The Dixie Rebel Couple

Maggie Swimming in the pool

Friday, August 3, 2007

So what are yall going to call her?

I wonder what Amelia Earhart's mother called her? One of the great things about the name Amelia is there are SO many different nickname potentials...

1) Amy
2) Millie
3) Milly
4) Mimi
5) Lia
6) Mel
7) Mia

For us, her nickname will be Mia. For monogramming purposes I will be monograming anything frilly and pink with Amelia and anything leopard print, funky and fun with Mia.

Did you know that in 2006 Amelia was the 82nd most popular name in the US for new baby girls? Mia was 13!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Baby Girl

Well yesterday was the most fun day of my pregnancy yet! We went in for our gender ultrasound/diagnostic ultrasound and our little girl is PERFECT! We had to wait almost 30 minutes and I was getting SUPER nervous... not about the gender part, but about the diagnostic part, this is a very important ultrasound where they look to make sure the heart, brain, kidneys, spine and everything else are developing correctly.

Our ultrasound tech Susie was incredibly nice and we were quickly looking at our little one on the screen. Our future acrobat was doing a HEADSTAND in there! Feet up by my belly button (cute feet) and head all the way down... we got to see her heart, femur bones, brain, and everything was PERFECT! She does look like she's going to take after her mom and grandpa and have a long torso and short legs, but we'll see...

Finally Susie had me lay on my side and we started pushing on my stomach to make the baby move positions, it took a few minutes but she finally went onto her side so we could get a shot spine and some wonderful profile shots. Susie said she was 100% sure that the baby is a girl and my doctor says Susie is NEVER wrong, so PINK it is!

Amelia is currently 6.5 inches long, measuring right on time for her delivery date and we got to see her making the cutest sucking motion with her mouth, it was almost like she was blowing us kisses.

Here are some pics of our little girl, let the shopping spree begin!