Wednesday, September 5, 2007

24 weeks!

Today I'm 24 weeks... this is a HUGE milestone for us... the odds for a 24 week infant surviving if delivered after 24 weeks is 80%! We of course want to keep little Amelia tucked away in there for a few more months, but I'm definitely still breathing a sigh of relief!

As for changes in the last two weeks, Amelia is now kicking HARD... to the point that you can see my belly move when she kicks!!! I'm definitely rounding out (as seen in the picture below) and SO excited to be sporting some fall clothes. I took some time off around Labor Day and got some much needed rest and retail therapy!!!

My tooth is doing better, although it set my wallet back $350 for a night gaurd. :( My last doctor's appointment was completely uneventful... Blood pressure was great (even though my ankle has been swelling into a cankle lately), I've only gained 7 pounds the entire pregnancy (the doctor is very pleased), but had gained 4 since the last appointment... 2nd trimester is when you are suppose to gain the most weight so bring on the food!

My cravings have intensified!!! Lately it's been cheesecake, caramel, pistachios, rice krispie treats, & shrimp dip. I'm REALLY ready to go eat my way through the State Fair of Texas in a few weeks.

Roger's parents came to visit and it was SO nice to have them here. We got to do a little shopping at Babies R Us and they purchased our Pack & Play and Travel System for Amelia. Both had to be special ordered and arrived today via UPS to Roger's work... I can't wait to see them!

Roger has been already showing his SUPER DAD skills setting up the crib & dresser, installing a ceiling fan and dimmer switch in her room (turned out to be ALOT of work), putting in blinds and installing her valance. Her room is REALLY coming together. I painted letters for her wall as well.

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