Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We Have a Delivery Date!!!

Tis the season for everyone's blood pressure to rise, so I guess when you have pre-eclampsia it's even worse! My blood pressure had stayed in the managable range, swelling in my feet had stayed down and I was feeling pretty good until last Friday. My blood pressure slowly started to rise and by Sunday it was in the "scary" zone... 160s/100s. My feet began to swell again and Monday morning I called the doctor's office.

I was sent to Labor & Delivery for a NST (non-stress test) for Amelia and some blood work and BP monitoring for me. Last time I was at Labor & Delivery I was in the triage area the whole time, kept my street clothes on and felt sure I was going home... I went in prepared for the same experience, but my expectations were quickly changed. I was put in a L&D room, put in a gown and told not to eat or drink anything else until further notice. I was scared! I called Roger and asked him to leave work and come sit with me... my worst fear is that they would decide to do a c-section and he wouldn't have time to get there.

So Roger came and sat by my side and we started mentally getting ready for our little girl to be here. After 4 hours of monitoring and bad tv, I was released to go home and told to see my doctor today for my regularly scheduled appointment.

The prognosis is that even though my blood pressure is high, my body and Amelia are handling it just fine. Well enough to wait until next week to deliver....

So Miss Amelia Lynn's birthdate will be Thursday, December 6, 2007!!

My doctor told me to get lots of rest from now until then and continue to monitor my blood pressure, but unless something drastic changes, she will see me in the OR next Thursday.

My c-section is scheduled for 7:30 am and hopefully if everything goes well we'll be accepting visitors Thursday evening/Friday morning. Roger will send an email out with the details after she is here.

The baby is coming!!! The baby is coming!!!

Here is my 36 week picture... we took it a day early...

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